Our team

Gilad and Sharona Harish

Founders and Chairpersons

To contact:

Attorney Nira Lipka

Managing Director

To contact:

Attorney Hadas Feldman

Team Leader

To contact:

Ravit Reichman

Manager of the Tel Aviv Restaurant

To contact:

Yarden Leybovich

Manager of the Tel Aviv Restaurant

To contact:

Rony Refael

Manager of afterschool Centers

To contact:

Dana Eisenberg

Legal and Contracts

To contact:

Yifat sofer melili

Manager of the Karmiel Restaurant

To contact:

Yoram Hazan

Manager of the Akko Restaurant

To contact:

Lily Ganor

Operations Manager

To contact:

Accountant Asaf Prizma

Coordinator of Assistance and Revenues

To contact:

Shosh Yaar Gazit

Office Manager

To contact:

Ran Deri

Volunteering & Media Manager

To contact: